Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Camps 2009

The start of our summer season is right around the corner with our Boy Scout summer camps starting in less than a month. We have summer camps for all of our programs and it's not too late to register. If your son is unable to attend with his regular unit we can often accommodate individual scouts by teaming them up with other units for the week. If your son would like to attend a second week of camp we can also accommodate that. Check with the council office if you have questions. Below is a list of summer camp.
Cub Scouts:
Wolf/Bear at Camp Lowden August 1-2
Wolf/Bear at Canyon Camp August 8-9
Webelos at Camp Lowden August 7-9

Boy Scouts:
Six weeks at Canyon Camp starting June 21.
Four weeks at Camp Lowden starting June 28.

Canyon Camp August 2-8

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