Monday, May 25, 2009

National Annual Meeting Notes From Day 2

At the Annual Meeting, there are some general sessions and various elective sessions that deal with different specific subjects. So a lot more goes on than what I have here. The big emphsis was on the brand having five key elements: Leadership, Achievement, Character, Service, and Outdoors.
1) At the Annual Business Meeting the slate of officers was elected and any resolutions are voted on. At the end of the meeting, two parents of scouts who lost their lives at Little Sioux Scout Ranch spoke. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room by the time they were done thanking us, the BSA, for our support. It was quite moving.
2) New National Youth Leadership Society: This is a new program for Venturers (with plan to extend to the other programs). A Venturer can be nominated by their local council if they have completed the following training: VLSC, Kodiak, Kodiak X, Mentoring in Action, and Trainers EDGE. A council can nominate as many Venturers as they want but there is a $100 fee. The Venturer receives a nice frame with certificate and two photos of the Venturer. There is an effort to make something similar to Kodiak and Kodiak X available to Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts to be available next year. The Venturing program is scheduled to begin in August.
3) Crisis Communications: This was a well presented session on how to properly deal with the press in a crisis situation. The basic concept for me, as a council president, confirmed that this should normally be handled by the Scout Executive. However there are some circumstances when a volunteer may be involved.
4) The big finale is the National Council Recognition Dinner where the Silver Buffalo awards were presented. As I reported earlier our own Chuck Walneck, former Blackhawk Area Counicl President, received the award as well. Jeff Gordon wasn’t there, he received his earlier and had a tape of his acceptance.
5) National Supply Division showed a number of new items that are not yet available. Most will be out this summer. I'll post some pictures separately later.

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