Sunday, January 04, 2009

Webelos Cross-Over

This is an exciting time of year for 5th Grade Webelos Scouts. They have been learning the basics they need to know to join Boy Scouts and are looking forward to joining the “big kids” in all of their exciting activities. In areas where there is more than one troop available the important question is which Boy Scout Troop should the Webelos Scout join? That is a question for the Webelos Scout and his parents to answer. In order to make this decision it is important to visit the available troops to see which will be the best fit for your family. There are a number of considerations to take into account in making that decision. One factor is the night the troop meets? Does that fit with your family schedule? Another is when is summer camp? Is it a week when your son can attend? But more importantly is the personality of the troop. Every troop runs the same program, but they all have different personalities. You want to pick a troop that best fits your son’s needs. One last thing to keep in mind is that your decision is not a permanent decision. If things do not work out with one troop you can always transfer to another troop.


  1. At last Saturday's WLOT session on Webelos -To-Scout transition, one of the key things the webelos leaders mentioned was knowing who were their local scout troops and having contact information for each Scout Master. I sent the participants the list of scout troops that Sycamore District had put together last Spring. This prompted me to ask whether we plan to issue an updated list every year AND suggest that the list be distributed in Spring of the 4th grade webelos year, just when the webelos leaders are beginning to think about contacting the scout troops. Leaving it to August or September to distribute a list of scout troops leaves it very late for organizing and scheduling webelos-scout activity days.
    Susan K

  2. In the past the list of scoutmasters has gone out as soon as it can be put together in the Fall. This is done each year to make sure we have the correct information on the current leaders. However if a 4th grade Webelos Den Leader would like a list they could get it from the 5th grade Den Leader or, in Sycamore District, there is a list on the district website.
