Another busy weekend last week. It started with a bus ride into Chicago to support the Adventure Base 100 stop at Douglas Park. Steve James helped organize the Blackhawk Area Council contingent. We received compliments from the Chicago Area Council staff both the number of volunteers and how we handled things. I received an email that showed the Chicago stop had the second highest turnout behind only the Pasedena Rose Parade stop over New Years. There was just shy of 13k visitors. Great job by everyone involved.

As it turns out the requirements for another new merit badge, Scouting Heritage, were just released and a visit to Adventure Base 100 meets one of the requirements. So those Boy Scouts that came out to visit or help have a start on earning that merit badge.

Last weekend was also the Canyon Camp work day sponsored by the Monroe Kiwanis. I was out on Sunday and helped finish up the new tent platforms that were started on Saturday. They had over 50 people out on Saturday and got a lot of work done.
This weekend is also a busy weekend with the Camp Properties Workshop, BALOO & WLOT training sessions, Jamboree Shakedown, and the Wood Badge Reunion Dinner. I hope to see some of you around.
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