Last weekend was Powder Horn and Pinewood Derby. Following the Council Executive
Committee meeting Thursday it was out to Camp Lowden to get ready for the first weekend of the Powder Horn course. Powder Horn is the advanced training to provide our leaders with outdoor program resources. Along the way the participants get a taste of a lot of the different activities required for the Ranger Award in the Venturing program. Friday the Powder Horn group met at the Stronghold near Oregon, IL for high and low
cope courses. It was a perfect day with bright sun and cool temperatures. When we got back to camp the rock was being delivered for the Boeger Leadership Lodge for the basement. The upper level walls have been finished. Saturday was preparing breakfast for Powder Horn
and then off to the Anniversary Steering Committee meeting at the service center. The out to Pecatonica for the Pinewood Derby. The competitors had a lot of great looking cars. The high school is a great location for the event and Bob Gingras and his team did a fantastic job getting it all organized and run. Then it was back to Powder Horn in time for dinner and the murder mystery night. There were two deaths and a lot of suspects in this Revolutionary War mystery. Sunday was a rainy day but it did not deter our Powder Horn participants from having a good time at the rifle range shooting muzzle loaders and hand guns. After lunch it was back to Pecatonica for the Pinewood Derby finals and the awarding of trophies to some very proud Cub Scouts. Now on to next week and the U. S. Grant Pilgrimage at Galena. Hope to see you there.
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