Wood Badge course C-23-07 is set to conclude on March 23. That is the end of the 18 month period from the conclusion of the training portion of the course. The 18 months is the time during which the participants "work" their tickets. Generally when you have this many participants there is a good chance that circumstances will arise that prevent one or more from completing their tickets. But not this time, with the support of a great staff I can report that as of today the entire troop (50 of 50) have completed their tickets. This can't happen without the commitment of the participants and the dedication of the staff/counselors. I want to thank all of the participants and staff for making this a great experience for everyone involved. As I think about the course I recall the clip from the movie
Remember the Titans. During halftime of the state championship when the Titans are trailing; one of the stars of the Titans says that individually they aren't perfect but together - they are perfect. Having 50 completions makes us perfect as a team. Thank you Troop 1 participants and staff.
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