Is your unit participating in Scouting for Food this week? Today, more people are going hungry in this country than at any other time in the past 25 years. The latest studies show that more than 20 million Americans, including 4 million children, go hungry at some time every month. Your participation this week will directly aid families in your community. It takes just a little time and can mean so much.
Don't forget that the time your unit spends in support of Scouting for Food is a service to the community that should be recognized by filing your unit hours i
n the Good Turn for America program. Good Turn for America {site} provides an avenue for councils to highlight the service that's going on now, including individual service projects and efforts conducted in partnership with organizations such as The Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, the American Heart Association, and others. Each year through 2010, the Boy Scouts of America will sponsor a national reporting day. This event will provide a platform to report service successes back to our communities. Each unit has received a registration number to use to enter your service hours. If you do not remember yours you can contact the council office to get the information.

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