We had a McHenry County Distinguished Citizens Dinner planning meeting in the morning. The dinner is really shaping up to be another great event this November.
Then it was out to Camp Lowden to help with the storage closets in the maintenance building. Rick Rhoads started by adding a couple of closets for NYLT and Wood Badge storage. Dave Savone and others framed three additional closet spaces to finish out the side. Two will be for summer camp storage. On Thursday Dave Savone, Don Reis, Steve James, and Jim Zeigler were adding the roof portion so there can be additional storage on top for larger items.
As things were going pretty well, Dave added a new rack for the paddles and oars since the old one was about to fall apart.
After finishing the work for the day Dave and I stopped at the Boeger Leadership Lodge. Wow, what a difference a few days makes. With the stain on the outside and the area being graded it really looked great.
Then it was off to Canyon Camp to be with my Crew for the last couple of days of the Venturing Summer Camp. More tomorrow on that.